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Animal Spots and Stripes

After observing and discussing illustrations of animals and their spots and stripes in the read aloud "Spots and Stripes" by Britta Teckentrup, students create their own animals with both spots and stripes.

  • Kindergarten
  • 30 to 60 minutes
  • Directions

    1. Organize students on the class reading rug. Review the terms horizontal, vertical, spot, stripe,square, rectangle, and triangle with students. Write each of these terms on easel paper near the reading rug.
    2. Read the book “Animal Spots and Stripes” by Britta Teckentrup aloud to the class. Review pictures and discuss the spots and stripes on animals. Students ask and answer questions about details in the text. Other objects in the animals’ habitats should also be pointed out.
    3. Once the read aloud is completed, ask students to return to their work areas. Students will choose a sheet of construction paper measuring 9” x 12” (228 mm x 304 mm). Ask each child to place his name on one side and turn it over so the name is on the back.
    4. Instruct students to decide if they want to use their paper in a horizontal or vertical position. Reference these terms on the easel paper. Distribute strips of green construction paper to be used for the ground in their art work and demonstrate how to glue it on the paper using Crayola Washable Glue Sticks.
    5. Spend a few minutes returning to the shape terms listed on the easel. Have students review the attributes of each. Demonstrate a few ways that one can make animals by manipulating squares, rectangles, and triangles. Place the glue and pieces of cut construction paper on work tables. This will include squares, rectangles and triangles.
    6. Provide time for students to tinker with the shapes; then students use glue sticks to attach their shapes into animal forms. Some students may want to create more than one animal.
    7. Conduct a short demonstration of how to add spots and stripes with Crayola Metallic Markers (teacher does not finish the sample); then students complete their animals with spots and stripes.
    8. Elicit suggestions from students about where their animals live and what might be seen in their natural environment (plants, trees, flowers). Objects are added with Crayola Construction Paper Crayons to complete artwork. The teacher may walk around the room encouraging students to add objects while sharing illustrations from the read aloud.
    9. When artwork is complete and glitter glue dry, students prepare for class discussion. Words such as horizontal, vertical, spot, stripe, square, rectangle, and triangle are reviewed and students are asked to share about their animals.
    10. Display student artwork in a prominent place in the classroom.
  • Standards

    LA: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

    LA: Use information gained from the illustrations and/or words in a text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting or plot.

    MATH: Recognize shapes having specified attributes.

    MATH: Understand that shapes in different categories may share attributes, and that the shared attributes can define a larger category.

    SCI: Construct drawings or diagrams as representations of events or systems.

    VA: Select and use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to communicate meaning.

    VA: Use different media, techniques and processes to communicate ideas, experiences and stories.

  • Adaptations

    Ask students to name their animals and create stories about them.

    Share other animal books in a read aloud setting. Students investigate the animal illustrations and habitats.

    Students visit a zoo to see real animals with spots and stripes!

    Students use Crayola Blunt Tip Scissors to cut other shapes. Have them discuss the attributes of these shapes.


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