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Friendship Hearts Lesson Plan

Why is listening so important? Students will learn about this crucial life skill as they explore what it means to be good friend.

  • Grade 2
    Grade 3
    Grade 4
  • 30 to 60 minutes
  • Directions

    1. Ask students to talk about what it means to be a good friend. Have them list characteristics that help people succeed in friendship and in life. Discuss one of the most important traits - being a good listener. Listening attentively to someone communicates that their thoughts and feelings matter. It fosters empathy and security and helps facilitate problem solving and decision making. Have students think about times when actively listening to someone - or feeling heard by others - made them feel validated and respected.
    2. Have the class make a large heart-shaped puzzle. Draw or have a student draw a huge heart on a large piece of heavy paper. Then subdivide the heart into pieces, cut out the pieces, and give a section to each student. You might need to make and cut another heart so that each student receives a piece.
    3. Have students decorate their piece of the puzzle with words and images that show the importance of listening and other qualities of friendship. Then have students reassemble the pieces of the puzzle and mount them on another piece of paper.
  • Standards

    SEL: Social Awareness: Empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts.

    SEL: Relationship Skills: Communicate clearly/effectively, listen actively, cooperate, work collaboratively to problem solve and negotiate conflict constructively.


    VA: Use visual structures of art to communicate ideas.

  • Adaptations

    Play a game in class that requires good listening skills, such as Simon Says or musical chairs.

    Have students think about how they can become better listeners such as by maintaining eye contact with the speaker, not interrupting, visualizing what the speaker is saying, etc.


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