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Pineapple Mason Jar

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Celebrate National Pineapple Day (or any day!) with a festive mason jar craft. Fill the DIY pineapple jar with straws or other supplies for parties and events!


Craft by CIY Staff


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Pineapple Mason Jar Step 1

1 Pour yellow paint into a disposable cup, add a small amount of water, and mix with a craft stick.

Pineapple Mason Jar Step 2

2 Pour paint into a clean mason jar. Rotate the jar to coat the inside. Put it upside down over a disposable cup to dry and drain excess color overnight.

Pineapple Mason Jar Step 3

3 When dry, use a green window marker to detail the pineapple jar with small X marks.

Pineapple Mason Jar Step 4

4 Use gold glitter glue to accent the X marks on the outside. Set aside to dry.

Pineapple Mason Jar Step 5

5 Add straws to create the top of your pineapple and set out at your next party!

CIY Staff Tips:

  • When mixing together the paint and water, you want a thinner consistency—not watery or runny though!