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Art Supplies and Crafts surrounding Create it Yourself logo.

Upcycled Cup Carrier Sandcastle

Upcycled Beach Sand Castle in sand
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Get ready to ride the wave of creativity with our 'shore-ly amazing' upcycled cardboard drink carrier sand castle craft. Surf, sun, and sandcastles await!


Scissors cutting apart drink holder

1 Cut a cup holder out of the first beverage carrier, and four holes out of the second beverage carrier.

Mixing paint to get the perfect sand colored paint

2 Mix brown, white, and yellow Crayola Washable Paint to create a sand-like color.

Painting cup holder to look like sand

3 Paint the bottom side of the beverage carrier and the single cup. Let dry 1-2 hours.

Painting water with blue to create water

4 Paint the wells around the cups of the beverage carrier blue to create a moat. Let dry.

Drawing windows into castle with brown Crayola Marker

5 With a brown Crayola Marker, draw window and bridge details along the beverage carrier and on the single cup.

Hands rolling out Model Magic into column

6 Create a castle tower by molding white Crayola Model Magic into a small cylinder shape(paint tan and let dry), and red Crayola Model Magic into a cone shape. Place the cone on top of the cylinder.

adding flag to the top of the castle roof

7 Stick a toothpick into the tip of the red cone. Form a triangular flag out of blue Crayola Model Magic and attach to the top of the toothpick. Let dry 1-2 hours.

Building the Castle with glue

8 Stack the single cup on top of the beverage carrier, followed by the model magic tower.

Adding Scribble Scrubbie toys and enjoying the new sandcastle

9 Color your favorite Scribble Scrubbie and make them at home in your sandcastle!

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