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Art Supplies and Crafts surrounding Create it Yourself logo.

Posters That Pop

Posters that Pop

Grab attention by making your school project posters really stand out with Crayola Color Switchers, Crayola Poster Markers, and these poster design tips!



1 When a school project or science fair competition calls for a poster to show off your hard work, you want it to stand out. Here are some ideas to help you turn a blank poster board into a real attention grabber! Experiment with these techniques on drawing paper before designing your poster.


2 Layout: Plan how you will display project information on your poster. Figure out how many sections you need on your poster to display written data, diagrams, maps, and photos. Cut a piece of Crayola Construction Paper for each section. Arrange and rearrange the pieces of paper, trimming them as needed, to find a pleasing arrangement. Design information to fit on the construction paper pieces and attach with a Crayola Washable Glue Stick.


3 Borders: Create a border with Crayola Color Switchers. Using the color side, create parallel stripes of two colors along all four sides of the poster board. Flip the Marker and apply the special color switcher to draw close perpendicular lines or zig-zags across the stripes.


4 Title: Add a title to your poster by creating a band of color across the top with Crayola Color Switchers. Use a ruler or straight edge to make lines straight. Fill in a block for each letter of your title using the color side of the Color Switcher Mark


5 3-D Labels: Cut strips of construction paper to label each area of your poster. Use Crayola Poster Markers to write labels on colored paper. Attach each label to a small piece of thick cardboard to make it stand out from the poster surface. Use Crayola School Glue to attach labels to your poster.