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Romero Romeos

Romero Britto is famed Brazilian pop artist. In this lesson, students have the opportunity to create bold graphic Valentines inspired by Britto’s many heart themed artworks.

  • Grade 4
    Grade 5
    Grade 6
  • 60 to 90 Minutes
  • Directions

    1. Introduce students to the life and works of Romero Britto, a Brazilian pop artist. Discuss as a class several of his works using many different subjects but a focus of his heart pieces (Playful Heart, Heart Butterfly, A New Day, Love is in the Air, American Revival, etc.) Examples of discussion questions: Which piece were they most drawn to? Why? What are some elements that tie the artist’s pieces together? (bold colors, big shapes, simple patterns, black outlines) What would they change if they were the artist? What do they feel the artist is trying to accomplish with their pieces? What type of media does the artist use? What, if anything, do the pieces remind them of (something they have seen or experienced before)?
    2. Give each student a sheet of white paper. Using Romero Britto as inspiration, invite students to create a composition in pencil that imitates his style. Depending upon the age of the students you may want to give them guidelines to ensure they feel successful with their final product and to aid in evaluation, for example: one large, several smaller hearts, background separated into at least several parts/areas, at least several part/areas with simple patterns.
    3. Students color in their images using Crayola® Washable Markers. Encourage even coverage and smooth edges, when color is complete have students pass over penciled lines in thick black outlines.
    4. (Optional) Photograph student work and print out multiple smaller colored copies per student to attach to cardstock to create Valentines.
  • Standards

    SS: Give examples of and explain group and institutional influences such as religious beliefs, laws, and peer pressure, on people, events, and elements of culture.

    VA: Use subjects, themes, and symbols, that demonstrate knowledge of contexts, values and aesthetics that communicate intended meaning in artworks.

    VA: Intentionally take advantage of the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes to enhance communication of their experience and ideas.

    VA: Compare multiple purposes for creating works of art.

    VA: Compare the characteristics of works in two or more art forms that share similar subject matter, historical periods, or cultural context.

  • Adaptations

    Students write poems to go inside their Valentines, either freestyle or following a certain convention of poetry.

    Students study the history of Valentine’s Day.

    Review math concepts by having students incorporate whichever concept that needs reinforcing, ie: fractions (1/4 of your page must use warm colors, or pattern), geometry (your picture must contain # shapes, an example of symmetry, a turn), angles (an obtuse/right/acute angle with a measurement of…) etc.

    Romero Britto created art to raise money for relief aid after Hurricane Katrina (Katrina) and the earthquakes in Haiti (Save Haiti). Discuss how artists use their talent to help people in need and how the art they created reflects/communicates the event. (George Rodrigue-Blue Dog for 9/11 is another example). Students can also write about what talents they possess that would be useful in helping others.


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